Here are some hypothetical situations you could face;
Please read them carefully, and describe to us the way you would react;
1-Situation 1
You work on a project, your development team is a studio abroad (artists, developers, game designer and local producer…).
Describe here how you organise things to stay informed of the progress, and how you plan to validate the different steps of production.
2-Situation 2:
You are working on a 6-months time project;
This project needs to be created on Motorola V500, but needs also to be done on 4 other phones as declensions of Motorola V500;
Here are data collected for you on these 4 other phones:
-Nokia 7210 : 2 weeks time needed to adapt graphics from V500;
once the new graphics are ready, the port still needs 1 month ½ from Motorola V500
-Motorola C380 : can use the 7210 graphic data; needs 1 month ½ from Motorola V500
-Nokia 3510i : can use the 7210 graphic data; needs 3 weeks from 7210
-Nokia 6600 : needs 1 month from Motorola V500
The durations above include tests. Consider you can have the resources you desire to build the project plan.
Using excel, build the planning you are going to follow with the team, and that you will communicate to your managers to let them know when all different versions will be ready.