
楼主 |
发表于 2004-11-8 22:30:00
Re:Ultima Online 2 Asia Edition User Requirement Review
Asset Detail Description:
Luna lands on Avatar Isle aka Fire Island during the cataclysm. The northwestern end of Malas rained down on the island and the surrounding sea.
在大浩劫时, Luna落在Avatar Isle aka火焰岛上. Malas的西北部陨落在岛上和周围的海面.
Luna's forests, which were protected by magical crystals during a previous war on Malas, are gone, but the crystals remain.
在以前Malas的战争中, 被魔力水晶保护的Luna的森林被破坏了,但水晶保留了下来.
The crystals grew from magic gleaned from Malas and converted the magic to keep the necromantic blight from expanding into their lands. Now, due to a ley line nearby Luna on Fire Island, the crystals are growing out of control because they can draw more magic from the line. The variety of crystals are vine-shaped crystals (crawling up walls, twined around trees, etc) to huge straight crystals that grew and broke through walls to crystals that cover cliffs.
水晶从Malas残存的魔力中生长出来, 吸收转化了魔力,以使枯萎不会蔓延到他们的岛上来. 现在火焰岛上Luna城附近有许多地裂, 水晶从地裂中吸取了更多的魔力开始不受控制的生长,蔓延. 从藤状的水晶. (攀上墙壁, 缠绕在树上…)到巨大笔直的水晶冲破城墙,覆盖了悬崖峭壁.
The ley lines appear in the city as cracks and pits which are bottomless with beams of colored lights and glowing spheres being emitted from them.
地裂出现在城中, 形成无底的裂缝和深渊. 各色的光柱和半球的光晕从中发射出来.
The city itself has toppled towers/walls. The center of the city has been rebuilt. Its main building block is sandstone.
城里有倒塌的城堡和城墙. 城中心被重建. 主要的材料是沙岩.
The city is surrounded by grassland which is framed by jungle. The east, southeast, and south areas of the city butt up against mountains.
城堡被丛林和草地包围着. 城的东,东南和南部都被山脉围着.
Architectural elements in Malas are influenced from Mayan pyramids for towers, European medieval battlements on the walls, and Roman doric columned patios. We need to unify the architectural elements. Possible solutions are Persian, Mayan, Aztec, Egyptian, and Byzantine. The Paladins of Luna have a skewed architectural style due to being cut off from Britannia for thousands of years.
Malas的建筑元素是玛雅金字塔, 欧洲中世纪的城垛和有罗马陶立克柱的天井庭院. 我们需要统一建筑元素. 可能的解决方案是波斯, 玛雅,阿芝克台,埃及和拜占庭风格. 因为和不列颠尼亚割断了联系几千年, Luna城发展成了扭曲的建筑风格.
A quick sketch shows the walls broken, the central area punctured by the ley line, one of the towers shattered against the mountain, jungle to the west and north...
粗略的原画展现了破损的城墙, 被地裂撕开的中部地区, 一个城堡倒塌斜靠在山上, 丛林延伸到西边和北边.
Background information on Dupre:
He’s a paladin, steel grey haired, buzzed, with a large mustache.
Originally the mayor of the town of Trinsic, Dupre joined the Stranger on his quest to become the Avatar in Ultima IV and was a regular companion for the following games. Being quite fond of wine and women, he could usually be found in the Britannian taverns when not traveling with the Avatar. He was knighted between Ultima VI and VII. In Ultima VII Part Two, Sir Dupre sacrificed himself to save the Avatar. He was later resurrected in Ultima IX to help defeat the Avatar's arch enemy, the Guardian.
Our fiction behind him for UO2 is that he moved to Luna to help with their reconstruction and has an interest in their beliefs.
Of course, Ultima 4 fiction has a good bit of influence on the history of UO, even though it has not technically occurred at all (i.e.: the virtues exist, but were actually founded long after the defeat of Mondain, Minax, and Exodus - in UO, the virtues were created between Mondain's defeat and Minax appearing on the scene). Dupre has been in some fictional events in UO (he was a central character in the Battle for Trinsic that most players remember fondly).
Additional information on Luna needed:
Age of city: 25 years old
Time of day: Evening / dusk
Architectural origin: Mayan
Vegetation on ruins on overgrown area: 60%
Vegetation on ruins on non-overgrown area: 20%
Description of Moongate: Blue oval sparkly vortex as tall as a player and about as wide.
月门的描述:能容纳一个玩家高宽的椭圆形, 里面是有火花的蓝色漩涡。
% of city that’s being rebuilt: Outer walls
Description of virtue shrine: Ankh on a raised platform with the symbol of Sacrifice
道德圣地的描述:有祭祀符号的祭台上有带圆环的十字架, 是古埃及的生命的象征.
Type of assets that will be seen in the city of Luna
• Crystals水晶
• Crystal piles水晶堆
• Crystal bridge水晶桥
• Crystal vines水晶藤蔓
• Crystal chair水晶座椅
• Crystal lamp水晶灯(西欧的酒精灯外貌)
• Crystal furniture (3 types)水晶家具(设计3各种类)
• Moongate月门(传送门)
• Mayan Mask玛雅人面具
• Scaffolding脚手架
• Courtyard objects (paladin center area)庭院物体(圣骑士中心区域)
• Sandstone Mayan Furniture玛雅风格的沙岩家具制品
• Crater Walls凹的墙壁
• Fireflies火种(暂翻译)
• Dupre wearables Dupre的衣物
• Dupre building Dupre的建筑物
• Jungle flora Flora丛林
• Cave entrance 洞穴入口
• Ley lines/walls 裂缝/围墙
• Fortress ruins 被毁坏的要塞
• Ruined towers 被毁坏的塔楼
• Virtue shrine 德行圣地
• Waterfall 瀑布
• Bank 银行
• Provisioner 供粮者
• Tailor 裁缝
• Alchemist 炼金术士
• Bowyer 制弓工匠
• Architect 建筑师
• Mage 魔法师
• Blacksmith 铁匠
• Tinker 工匠(一般的家具手工艺或者修补工作)
• Jeweler 珠宝商
• Shipwright 造船匠
• Tavern 旅馆
• Inn 小酒馆
• Healers 医师
• Stables马舍设备, 马厩
• Counselor’s guild 顾问公会
• Throne room 君主的住所
• Modular city walls and archways 标准的城墙和拱门组件(用于建造城池的元素)
• Banners 旗帜(UO中的旗帜,通常挂在城楼和城墙上面的外围,可以参照中世纪的城市图)
• Doors 门
• Tailor shop 裁缝商店
o Bolts of cloth 布匹
o Spinning wheel 纺织轮
o Loom 织布机
o Loom bench 织布机的长椅
o Yarn 线
o Cotton 棉花
o Small tables 小桌
• Carpenter’s shop 木匠商店
o Carpenter’s table 工匠桌
o Mallots 木碎
o Unfinished chairs 还没完工的椅子
o Unfinished tables 还没完工的桌子
o Unfinished armoire 还没完工的大衣柜
o Bookshelf 书架
o Bench 长椅
o Stacks of wood 一堆木料
o Saws 锯子
• Smithy治炼场(工匠制作工具的地方)
o Hammers 锤子
o Bellows 风箱
• Bank 银行
o Money scales 钱刻度(UO中称钱的称盘)
o Chests 箱
o Gold piles 黄金累积成堆(散乱)
o Stacks of gold 整齐堆叠的黄金
• Stable马厩
o Stacks of hay 很多干草(喂马吃的)
o Hay on the ground (洒在地面上的干草)
o Feed bags (喂食袋)套在马头上喂干草用的
• Jewel shop 珠宝店
o Display cases 展览柜
o Necklaces 项链
o Jewels 珠宝
o Rings 戒指
o Magnifying lenses 放大镜
• Mage shop 魔法师商店
o Bubbling cauldrons 起泡沫混乱的场面(可参照哈利波特第一集的魔法店,一模一样)
o Flasks细颈瓶(提炼草药用的容器)
o Potions 药剂瓶(长条形状的容器)
o Mortar and pestle灰泥和捣锤(用来碾磨或捣碎研钵中物质的一种手持棒形工具Scrolls 卷轴
o Books 书本
• Healer shop 医师店
o Bandages 绷带
o Potions药剂瓶
o Mortar and pestle 灰泥和捣锤(用来碾磨或捣碎研钵中物质的一种手持棒形工具
• Fletcher 弓匠店
o Kindling 引火物(在UO中是几块干木条)
o Piles of wood 木料堆
o Arrows 箭支
o Bolts弩箭:一种大头的短而重的箭,尤与弩连用
o Bows 弓
o Crossbows 弩
o Feathers 羽毛(造箭用的)
o Feathers inside containers 在容器里面的羽毛(这个容器是UO中的造箭器材)
o Bow strings 弓弦
• Tinker shop 工匠店
o Piles of mechanical junk 堆放机械零件的垃圾堆(在UO中是齿轮和弹簧)
o Gears 齿轮
o Springs 弹簧
o Sextant parts 六分仪某部分
o Ingots 锭
o Gems 宝石
o Clockwork assembly 钟表组件
o Half a golem 半个魔像(金属人)
• Inn 客栈
o Small tables and chairs 少量桌子和椅子
o Beds 几张床
o Wall sconces 挂墙蜡烛台(嵌在墙上的)
o Lanterns 灯笼
o Blankets 毛毯
o Pillows 枕头
o Small bar (tavern type stuff) 小酒吧台(酒馆类型的东西)
• Shipwright/Fisherman 造船匠和渔夫
o Fish 鱼
o Barrels 圆木桶(中世纪用来装酒或者粮食)
o Piles of long wood 长形木条堆
o Cloth sails folded 折叠的布帆
o Rope 粗绳
o Sextant 六分仪
o Maps 地图
• Miscellaneous City structures 对应各种城市中每栋建筑物的符号
o Signs for each building type (could these be incorporated into the structure design?)(这些符号能结合每一个城市的设计吗?)
o Steet lamps ?
o Sign posts 邮局
o Scaffolding 脚手架
o Wooden chairs 木椅子
o Wooden tables 木桌子
o Wooden benches 木长椅
o Wooden counter 木柜台
Terrain 地形
• Ley lines 裂痕
• Jungle terrain 丛林地形
• Mountain terrain 山脉地形
• Cataclysm cracks 水晶堆
Effects 特效
• Waterfall mist 瀑布流下的雾气
• Glow on moongate 发光的月门
• Glow on crystals 发光的水晶
• Particles flying up out of the ley line cracks 在地缝上飞舞的萤火虫
• Mist in the jungle 丛林中的雾气
Lighting 光效
• Colored light coming from crystals 散发出淡光的水晶
• Glow coming out of the ley lines 炽热由地缝中冒出
• Darkness inside the jungle (to simulate denseness) 被黑暗覆盖的丛林(模拟逐渐覆盖的效果)
Creatures/NPCs (male and female) 生物/NPC角色(男性/女性)
• Tailor 载缝
o Holding a bolt of cloth 握住布棍
o Tape measure around the neck 在脖子周围挂量衣服的尺子
o Scissors in hand 手里拿着剪刀
o Wearing nice clothing (advertising himself) 穿着华丽(自己买自己的广告)
• Carpenter 木匠
o Leather apron or smock, maybe overalls 穿上皮革缝制的工作服,可能是。
o Wood pane in hand 拿在手里的木窗框
o Saw 锯子
o Mallot 木碎
o Dressed in well used clothing 穿着好看的衣服
• Blacksmith 铁匠
o Dark dirty leather apron 黑色肮脏的皮革工作服
o Dirty skin 肮脏的皮肤
o Holding tongs 拿着钳子
o Iron hammer 铁锤
o Wearing goggles over face or around the neck 护目镜挂在脖子上
• Banker 收银员
o Dressed finely 精美的衣着
o Diminutive in stature 身材矮小
o Carrying a scale 正在小心奕奕的称量
• Stablemaster 马房管理员
o Dressed in tunic and pants 穿长袍和裤子
o Carrying a small whip 携带小鞭子
• Jeweler 珠宝商人
o Dressed finely精美的衣着
o Carrying a magnifying glass or eyepiece携带一个放大玻璃或目镜
• Mage 魔法师
o Gold and white robes 金色的和白色的宽松长袍
• Healer 医师
o Black robes黑色长袍
• Fletcher 弓匠
o Green or red tunic绿色的或红色的长袍
o Brown leather pants褐色的皮革裤子
• Tinker 工匠
o Baggy brown pants松垮垮的褐色裤子
o Green coat绿色的外套
• Innkeeper 酒保
o Half apron around the waist在腰部的周围一半的围裙
• Tavernkeeper 店家
o Full apron tied around neck完整的围裙系在脖子的周围
o Carrying mug 端着杯子
• Fisherman 渔夫
o Dark coat 深黑的外套
o Simple pants 简单的裤子
• Shipwright 船匠
o Stocking 长袜子
o Nickers 闷笑
o Half shirt 半件衬衫
o Tunic 长袍
• Iolo
o Green overshirt绿色套装
o Tan tunic鞣制革长袍
o Red undershirt红色的汗衫
o Tan pants鞣制革裤子
o Light tan/white leggings淡黄褐色的/白色的绑腿
o Brown boots褐色的长靴
o Carrying a staff携带一个职员
o Bald 秃头
o Full medium length white beard 长长的白胡子
• Peasant 农民
o Ragged clothing 衣衫褴褛的衣服
o Patchwork shirt and pants 凑合物衬衫和裤子
• Noble 贵族
o Fine clothing 高贵的衣服
o Carrying a fine cane 拿着高档手杖
• Provisioner 运粮人
o Apron around the neck 在脖子上围围巾
o Towel over the shoulder 在肩上放手巾
o Simple clothing 简单的衣服
• Palladin
• City guard 守卫
o Chainmail coat and pants 链甲外套和裤子
o Tunic coving the coat with the city emblem emblazoned on the front 胸前的长袍有象征城市的文章装饰
o Carrying sword and shield 拿着剑和盾