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发表于 2005-2-24 16:22:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




Evolution of Interaction Schemes in Computer Role-Playing Games


Using a series of case studies that represent influential steps in
the evolution of RPG interaction schemes,we see how effective interpretations
of RPG techniques have shifted and changed over time.


Game Taxonomies:A High Level Framework for Game Analysis and Design


there is much confusion even about the most basic of questions,such
as what a game is,compared to a story or a simulation. This confusion
only increases when we start to consider new and emerging forms like mobile
games,location-based games and pervasive games. It's obvious that we
need some basic distinctions and definitions at the highest level,so
that more detailed methods can be sorted into their appropriate areas
of application.


Policing Online Games:Digital Currency


This is an excerpt from Peter Wayner's recently published book,Policing
Online Games. This article examines the concept of digital cash and cash-like
elements in games,and the security elements that should go into a digital
cash model to defeat cheaters.


Mediating User Interaction in Narrative-Structured Virtual Environments


The process of mediation is designed to give users as great a sense
of agency in an unfolding narrative as possible while still maintaining
the narratives coherence and goals. This is accomplished by making the
system,user,and author collaborators in the production of the storyline.


Manager In A Strange Land:Most Projects Suck


The fact is,almost all projects suck in one way or another,even
high-profile ones. The Sims? Came in late. Half-Life? Came in late.
Most high-profile Nintendo titles? Came in late. Spider-Man,the last
game I helped ship? Was on time,but went over our original budget and
we cut content.


Hardware Designers:Talk to Us!


Now I know that console manufacturers have to squeeze every nickel
they can out of the hardware to keep the price down. Its a consumer entertainment
device,not a PC,after all. Still,I do sometimes wish they would
talk to some game developers before they designed their machines.


Agitating for Dramatic Change


Randy Littlejohn believes that there's little interest by game developers
in interweaving non-linear story elements,strong character development
and the principles of drama into interactive designs. He wants a new kind
of interactive experience that is comfortable and compelling for the masses.
Here's his blueprint for it.


Manager In A Strange Land:Books Are Good


There are a lot of books and articles on software development and
management out there. There are even a couple on game production. You
could do a lot worse than to just follow these books advice blindly.


A Television Production Model For MMORPGs?


Are the skills needed to ship a MMORPG the same set of skills required
to maintain and grow that game so as to attract long-term subscribers?
Perhaps we should take some lessons from the TV industry in this respect.


Manager In A Strange Land:Benchmarking,Part 1


To benchmark game development best practices,Jamie Fristrom went
through postmortems on Gamasutra and correlated their game scores on
with their length in development,team size,and design/technology decisions.
Result? Adding a "sniper mode" to games helps.


Object Oriented Story Construction in Story Driven Computer Games


Mirjam Eladhari's thesis presents a story construction methodology
that allows false causal relations in game stories to be minimized or
eliminated. The methodology consists of two main components:object
oriented story construction and causal normalization. Causal normalization
minimizes or eliminates causal dependencies within story logics and therefore
eliminates unintentional forms of causal coupling (causal dependencies
)。 Object oriented story construction involves objects in the game world
maintaining autonomous integrity,which also makes the methodology suitable
for massively multiplayer games.


Manager In A Strange Land:Benchmarking,Part 2


Neversoft has consistently turned out top-rated games,on time,
every time,for years. There are very few companies in the industry with
that kind of track record. What's your secret? That is,of all the
things you do,what do you think is the most important thing for making
a great game on time?


Manager In A Strange Land:The Second Law of Bad Management


There's an old saying that says employees are promoted to their level
of incompetence. But there are ways to you get someone into a team leadership
position without training.


How Funcom Squashed Bugs With Bugzilla


Here's the story of how Funcom modified Bugzilla,the Open Source
bug-tracking system,and turned it into a critical game production system
for the entire company.


The intranet gets serious:Part 2:making knowledge sharing work


The intranet is beginning to restructure the organization in more
ways than one. Content is now an asset,and the people who manage it
need to treat it as such. Managing editors,and their team,understand
how technology can facilitate effective publishing,collaboration and
self-service focused application development.


Interview:Bruce Shelley:The Mythology Of Empires


Sid was the first person I worked with who thought about game design
theory and philosophy. In some cases I think I knew intuitively what to
do,but he actually gave some principals titles,and built a sort of
list of axioms to follow over and over. From him I learned that there
was science to the process and we did not have to reinvent the wheel each
time. Our industry is still in its infancy,and I think pioneers like
him will provide a great foundation of experience and knowledge upon which
to build. He reinforced the concepts of prototyping and designing by playing-things
wehad been doing in board games.


Manager In A Strange Land:Turnaround Time


I find that when it takes more than a few minutes to see a change
in the game,I lose "flow". I drop out of the zone. I start browsing
web-sites,go get a drink,wander over to someone else's office,
post another article to my blog,whatever:often the build finishes
or the level loads and I don't even notice,creating additional idle
time. And I forget what the hell I was doing. Frequently,when I see
others "goofing off" at work,and go to investigate,there's a reason
:they're waiting for data to build,they're waiting for a sync to finish.
Although there are some conscientious people who sit and meditate on what
they're working on while they wait for turnarounds—— and those guys
are often the best employees on the team—— for most people,there's
a point where turnaround times cost much more than just the wasted time
spent waiting.


Inside a Game Design Company


It occurred to me the other day that ihobo,as they're also known,
is nearly unique in the game industry:a whole company that concentrates
entirely on game design and dialogue scripting. There are many freelance
designers and writers,and there are many subcontractors for things
like art and audio,but there are only one or two companies in the world
that specialize in design and scripting. I thought I'd ask Chris Bateman,
the founder of International Hobo,some questions about how the company


Personality Parameters:Flexibly and Extensibly Providing a Variety
of AI Opponents' Behaviors


A common problem for game AI programmers is how to distinguish the
behavior of different AI characters. As an example,how do we make an
orc and a dragon genuinely different as opponents? We can increase the
health,armor,and damage of the dragon,but unless we give it a different
personality in some way,and make it behave differently,it might
as well just be a very strong orc.


Manager In A Strange Land:Content Turnaround


One of the things that can really slow game developers down is long
level-load times. This is bad not only because the user will probably
have to suffer the same long load time as well,but also because of how
much it retards the development effort.


Spatial Principles of Level-Design in Multi-Player First-Person Shooters


The paper is affirming that level design is a tool for controlling
the games progression and that it is possible to distinguish between good
and bad level design in that matter. Five heuristics are developed to
suggest a few guidelines that could lead to a better level design. It
is stated that good level design tends to place the player's interaction
in focus and complies with the player's expectations and needs.


Manager In A Strange Land:Churning


Last column I discussed how you can speed up a content team by decreasing
turnaround and getting them a decent asset control system. There's another
thing that slows your content team down,and that's having a broken
game. If your content team can't play the game,they can't test their
stuff,and one thing they constantly need to be doing is testing their


Manager In A Strange Land:Collaborating With Wiki


Wikis do not solve the biggest problem with design documents:nobody
reads them. I used to try sending out links to new Wiki pages I had written
or changed,but that didn't work. There's something about e-mails that
makes them get read,at least by a few people,if they're not too
long. I've resorted to documenting in the Wiki and copying the document
to an e-mail,asking people to please read it and raise red flags if
they see any problems. When people are reading a document looking for
errors,they're a little more likely to actually assimilate its contents
than when they're just skimming it.


Manager In A Strange Land:Reining In Enthusiasm


Rein in enthusiasm? Now why would we ever want to do that? Isn't
keeping the team motivated one of the most important factors of game development?
Doesn't every management book you've ever read stress how important it
is to keep the team motivated?

The thing is,almost by definition,videogame developers are motivated.
I've never seen a videogame where the developers didn't want to put more
features and content into the game than they could possibly have time
for. Motivation and enthusiasm,in this industry,is just about a given.



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