
楼主 |
发表于 2005-4-22 02:29:00
Re:《游戏设计》第一部 第一章
第一章 第二节
艺术, 科学, 还是工艺?
许多人认为游戏设计是一门艺术,因为只有少数有才华的人才能充分利用自己那拥有疯狂创造力的神秘思想源泉. 他们联想到游戏界的一些知名人士---Peter Molyneux , Brian Moriarty, Roberta Williams ,认为他们是艺术家,他们羡慕这些人给他们做的游戏所带来的想像力和创意。.他们认为游戏设计者们把时间用来沉湎于放飞自己的想像,他们忽视或者说没有意识到游戏设计过程中所要面临的漫长和艰辛。
另外一些更精于计算的人却把游戏设计看做是一门科学. 他们全神贯注于决定最好游戏规则的方法论上,他们注意那些用于平衡综合型游戏的
错综复杂的程序上。他们考虑游戏的平衡公式, 结构关系和资源流程 。游戏设计对这些人来说是一套技术,一套处理想法的程序。
但是,我们认为这些人都是错误的, 至少是不完全正确的. 游戏设计不纯粹是一种艺术,因为它的核心不仅仅是一种美学的表达方式。游戏的艺术性质在初步概念的构想中得到继承, 可一旦这个想法形成,那么便是定义和简化游戏如何运作的时候了。当然游戏设计也不是一门纯科学,它并不提出假设并探索真相.它也不被严格的逻辑学或正式规则标准所束缚。游戏最终的目的是贯穿始终的娱乐, 游戏设计同时需要创造力和科学的计划蓝图。
互动式娱乐是一种艺术形式, 就象电影,电视,和戏剧, 它是一种需要协作完成的艺术形式,没有那个单独的人有资格说自己是艺术家。事实上,大多数的设计者并不认为他们是艺术家. 游戏设计是项工艺,就象好莱坞的电影制作和服装设计。一个游戏包含艺术和功能原理两部分:它必须得提供给人们愉悦的审美感,但同时也能充分的运作让人有参与其中的快感。伟大的游戏糅合了所有这些美丽的元素,所达到的品质只能用高雅(没相通为何用这个词)来形容。 高雅是一项技术达到最高规格的标志。
Art, Science, or Craft?
Many people consider game design to be an art, drawing on a mysterious wellspring of creativity possessed only by a talented few. They think of the "big names" in the game industry—Peter Molyneux, Brian Moriarty, Roberta Williams—as artists, and they admire the vision and originality that such people bring to their games. They imagine that game designers spend their time indulging in flights of imagination, and they ignore or are not even aware of the long and painstaking work that real design requires.
Other people who are more mathematically oriented see game design as a science. They concentrate on the methodology for determining the best rules of play, the intricate procedure of balancing a complex game. They think about equations, relationships, and the flow of resources. Game design to these people is a set of techniques, a process of thought.
We believe both of these views are wrong, or at least incomplete. Game design is not purely an art because it is not primarily a means of aesthetic expression. "Artistry" comes into envisioning the initial concepts and ideas, but once that is done, it's time for the real work of defining and refining how the game will function. Nor is game design purely a science; it doesn't posit hypotheses or seek truth. It's not bound by rigorous standards of logic or formal methods. The goal of a game is to entertain through play, and designing a game requires both creativity and careful planning.
Interactive entertainment is an art form, but like film, television, and theater, it is a collaborative art form, with no single person entitled to call himself the artist. In fact, most designers don't think of themselves as artists at all. Designing games is a craft, like cinematography or costume design in Hollywood. A game contains both artistic and functional elements: It must be aesthetically pleasing, but it also must work well and be enjoyable to play. The greatest games combine these attributes brilliantly, achieving a quality for which the only word is elegance. Elegance is the sign of craftsmanship of the highest order.