发表于 2006-4-26 02:39:00
Re:最近的一些插画 恶魔 ,生化, 赛车
i was travel to your HQ and live close to one munth, and tonight~ i dont know why~ but ~~ however~ i want know how about you at recently~ ok~ i tell you the true~ you still as a stupid~ or not~ actually you ARE stupid~ ha ah~ everything is in my control~ i knew you will still stupid even today~~
我曾经在你的总部混过将近一个月~ 今天晚上不知道为什么知道看你的近况, 好吧,说实话。你还像个SB一样~ 或者 你就是SB 哈哈 一切都在我的预料之内。 我早就知道你会一直SB到今天的 |