发件人: 123123 21312 [mailto:likaijun321@hotmail.com]
发送时间: 2007年1月28日 下午 12:10
收件人: Alexis Dallemagne; Alvaro Duarte; Anshuman Rath; Cyril Erbin; Francois Bodson; Hou
Da Cheng; Julien Fournials; Ken Schachter; Li Kai Jun; Paul Friciu; Paul Huetz;
Phung.VietHung@gameloft.com; Rosario Basilotta; Samir El Agili; Skander Djerbi; Svetlin
Arabadzhiev; Yu Fei
抄送: Arthur Hugot; Brice Ramard; Christelle Leroux; Christophe Latour; Geoff Chan; Jasson
Michaud; Jean-Claude Labelle; Matthieu Gosnet; Philippe Laurens; Romain Gauthier; Stanislas
Dewavrin; Vincent Cotte; Alexandre Besenval; Antony Faby; Elisabeth Torre; Fabrice
Ottomanelli; Jean.Nicolas@gameloft.com; Manuel Figeac; Mathieu Verlaet; Philip Bouchet;
Tanguy Pallier; Thomas Valmorin; Yang Wen; Luo Lin Zhi; Luo Jun Jie; Lin Jun Ji;
liu.changle@gameloft.gameloft.com; Yang Feng; Wu Xiao Ye; Xu Min; Wang Fu;
主题: this is chengdu studio! please readme
What a **** studio? What a **** studio manager
Hello world all:
This is a guy come from Chengdu studio. In this studio we over time
every day.
This ****er studio manager Li Kai Jun. tell us we must over time every
day, and he said if you don’t I will be fire you! He pays all of our man
just a little salary, and never gives our over-time money. That's an
He is unscrupulous in his exploitation of people.
I was amazed to see we are all Chinese people, we are countrymen
The guy what a very very bad moral character how can be a manager?
The guy is a pious fraud, he said we will be adding salary in each
season, But never. We will be having many bonuses, but never have. Maybe
have but, just 200$.
Our Game designer monthly wages is 200 - 300 dollar
Our programmer monthly wages is 200 - 300 dollar
Our Art designer monthly wages is 200 - 300 dollar
All people we have your 1/10 salary, but we have work every day!!! We
have tenfold works must be done!
That's an exploited!!!!
World all, please give your man a message!!!
Gameloft Chengdu studio! Live on rip off workers!!!
Like the battlefield of Africa use blood diamond buy weapon and kill
World all, please give your man a message! Let all people know, gameloft
Chengdu studio how to make a game!
Boss if LiKaiJun still a manager, I think many many people will be boycott
gameloft games!
Because this is exploited.
Boss we need a good man! We need a man has a good ethics!!!
If we just want discuss with him, can we have a normal work and rest or
want to award someone a salary increase
He always said:”do you want challenge my dignity”
Aha, in fact he is destitute of dignity.
The point isn’t he’s dignity, in our game industry, Gameloft china have a
bad name because we have a bad studio manger! Because we always over time
and when the project over, we are nothing!!!
We pay more time, and work very hard! But when project over we are
All HQ producers if you know some people of Chengdu studio, you know
our very painstaking. Other studio’s tester said:”we like a slave”
All projects delay when he is a manager, all man hates him, because he
always . Our people said:”no morale, no world”, if you don’t believe
please give us a chance, a chance to have an anonymous vote, I promise you
will know true!
I have a family, you too. You work hard for what? I think you want give
your family a sweet life right? But you are a slave how to give your family
a sweet life? You always over time, daytime you work, night you work,
Saturday Sun day you work, you always work!!! If not you will be fire!
Tell me people this is life? This is life you want? Always work never
see a family?
Why a suck bad man, not one’s like man, can be a manager?
Why a man don’t know thing but can be a manager?
Why this man can lead us?
Over time not pay it’s not lawful to steal, I will be suing Chengdu studio
and Li Kai Jun, if Li Kai Jun still a manager! I will tell our people and
whit colleague to suing Chengdu studio!
I will cell journalist tell everyone Gameloft how to rip off workers!!!
If Li Kai Jun still a manger!!!
Please fire him!!! Our company has a vermin! It’s Li Kai Jun!!!
我们。成都studio现在的老大是Li Kai Jun,我想大家都知道,这样一个人以前是一个
到12点。涨工资那是放屁!周6 周日基本要加班。
Li Kai Jun 动不动就说“你是不是在挑战我的尊严”
他有什么尊严?自从Li Kai Jun当领导以后在也没有了涨工资,自从他当领导以后,成
我想大家都有家,有家人,为什么工作这么辛苦? 为了家人,为了生活,但是我
们的劳动跟我们的回报完全不成比例,只因为Li Kai Jun为了自己的利益压缩成本,剥
削我们。为什么每一个项目都延期? 大家都是笨蛋吗?那只能怪GL的招聘程序有问题
现在的资讯已经这么发达了!我保证如果Li Kai Jun继续在成都做Manger的话,我
Yu Fei 你如果不相信我们说的这些话,你随时可以举行一个匿名投票你看看有人
我想问一下Yu fei 现在GL就是打算这样发展吗? 永远只招聘毕业生。永远留不住
人? 用这种领导吗?他的领导力在那里?他有任何一点点的地方得民心吗?
成都studio的同胞们!你们认为Li Kai Jun有资格领导你们吗?他能做什么?唯一
并且让这种studio manger回老家!我们只希望能有正常的作息时间,正常的待遇!项
如果是员工差,所有都差?那studio manger必须FIRE! 你是怎么招聘的?
如果不是员工差,那你们是怎么安排的?studio manger必须FIRE!