发表于 2007-8-6 11:58:00
MD2 ,可以使用3DSMAX输出.把以下代码保存为.ms脚本文件,在3DSMAX里运行就可以了.
-- Quake II MD2 Importer
-- v1.1
-- Copyright (c) Chris Cookson, 2002
-- (cjcookson@hotmail.com)
-- gmax Scripts, News, Articles and More:
-- http://gmax.digitalarenas.com
-- Thanks to TiCaL
-- Version history:
-- 1.1 Fixed anim problems and out of memory errors
-- 1.0 First Release
utility MD2Import "Quake2 MD2 Importer" silentErrors:false
-- User Interface --
group "About:"
label titleLabel "Quake2 MD2 Importer v1.0"
HyperLink addy "by Chris Cookson" align:#center address:"mailto:cjcookson@hotmail.com" color color 0 0 170) hoverColor:(color 170 0 0)
group "Import:"
checkbox animCheck "Load all frames" checked:false align:#center
button importButton "Import MD2..."
local appName = "MD2 Importer"
-- Utilities
-- Error handling
fn ShowError msg=
format "*** Error: %\n" msg
messageBox msg title:appName;
fn FatalError msg=
ShowError msg;
throw (appName + ":" + msg)
fn Check condition msg =
if not condition do
if msg == unsupplied do msg = "Check failed"
format "*** Check failed: %\n" msg
FatalError msg
-- Binstream tools
fn SkipBytes bstream count=
local unknown
case count of
2: unknown = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
4: unknown = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
for i = 1 to count do
unknown = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
fn ReadFixedString bstream fixedLen=
local str = ""
for i = 1 to fixedLen do
str += bit.intAsChar (ReadByte bstream #unsigned)
-- String utils
fn LongToString num=
local str = ""
for i = 1 to 4 do
str += bit.intAsChar (bit.and num 0xff)
-- num = bit.shift num -8
num /= 256
fn ToWindowsPath pakPath=
local winPath = "\\"
for i = 1 to pakPath.count do
if pakPath == "/" then
winPath += "\\"
) else
winPath += pakPath
-- MD2 Importer
struct MD2_Vertex
pos, lightNormalIndex
struct MD2_Frame
scale, translate, name,
struct MD2_Tri
struct MD2Reader
modelFilename, modelName, modelPath,
fn Open filename=
modelFilename = filename
modelName = getFilenameFile filename
modelPath = getFileNamePath filename
bstream = fopen filename "rb"
fn Close=
fclose bstream
fn ReadSkins offset numSkins=
fseek bstream offset #seek_set
skinList = #()
format "Reading % skins..." numSkins
for i = 1 to numSkins do
append skinList (ReadFixedString bstream 64)
format "Skin %: %\n" i skinList
format "OK\n"
fn ReadTris offset numTris=
fseek bstream offset #seek_set
triList = #()
format "Reading % tris..." numTris
for i = 1 to numTris do
local v1 = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
local v2 = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
local v3 = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
local uv1 = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
local uv2 = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
local uv3 = ReadShort bstream #unsigned
append triList (MD2_Tri vertIndices:[v1, v2, v3] texCoordIndices:[uv1,uv2,uv3])
format "OK\n"
fn ReadFrames offset numFrames=
fseek bstream offset #seek_set
frameList = #()
format "Reading % frames..." numFrames
for i = 1 to numFrames do
local sx = ReadFloat bstream
local sy = ReadFloat bstream
local sz = ReadFloat bstream
local tx = ReadFloat bstream
local ty = ReadFloat bstream
local tz = ReadFloat bstream
local name = ReadFixedString bstream 16
local newFrame = MD2_Frame scale:[sx, sy, sz] translate:[tx,ty, tz] name:name
-- Just remember where the verts are
newFrame.vertListOffset = ftell bstream
-- Skip all verts 'cos we'll read 'em later
SkipBytes bstream (numVerts * 4)
append frameList newFrame
format "OK\n"
fn ReadTexCoords offset numTexCoords skinWidth skinHeight=
fseek bstream offset #seek_set
texCoordList = #()
format "Reading % texcoords..." numTexCoords
for i = 1 to numTexCoords do
local s = (ReadShort bstream #unsigned) as float
local t = (ReadShort bstream #unsigned) as float
append texCoordList [s / skinWidth, -t / skinHeight, 0]
format "OK\n"
fn LoadModel=
fseek bstream 0 #seek_set
local magic = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
if magic != 0x32504449 then
FatalError "File does not appear to be an MD2 model!"
local version = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
if version != 0x8 then
FatalError "Unsupported version!"
local skinWidth = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
local skinHeight = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
local frameSize = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
local numSkins = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
numVerts = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
local numTexCoords = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
local numTris = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
local numGLCmds = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
local numFrames = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
local offsetSkins = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
local offsetTexCoords = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
local offsetTris = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
local offsetFrames = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
local offsetGLCmds = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
local offsetEnd = ReadLong bstream #unsigned
format "Skin size (%, %)\n" skinWidth skinHeight
format "Frame size % bytes\n" frameSize
format "% skins, % verts, % texcoords, % tris, % glCmds, % frames\n" numSkins numVerts numTexCoords numTris numGLCmds numFrames
if not animCheck.checked then
numFrames = 1
ReadSkins offsetSkins numSkins
ReadTexCoords offsetTexCoords numTexCoords skinWidth skinHeight
ReadTris offsetTris numTris
ReadFrames offsetFrames numFrames
fn GetVertsForFrame frameNum=
local verts = #()
for i = 1 to ((frameList[frameNum]).vertList).count do
local theVert = (frameList[frameNum].vertList).pos
theVert *= frameList[frameNum].scale
theVert += frameList[frameNum].translate
append verts theVert
fn CreateMAXModel=
-- Firstly, create our material
local skinMaterial = standardMaterial name:(modelName + ".skin")
-- Sadly, we can't load PCX files in gmax - so no skins! :(
local verts = #()
fseek bstream (frameList[1].vertListOffset) #seek_set
for i = 1 to numVerts do
local x = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
local y = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
local z = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
local normIndex = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
local theVert = ([x, y, z] * (frameList[1].scale)) + (frameList[1].translate)
append verts theVert
local tris = #()
for i = 1 to triList.count do
local v = triList.vertIndices + [1,1,1]
append tris [v.z, v.y, v.x]
local theMesh = mesh name:(modelName + ".md2") vertices:verts faces:tris material:skinMaterial tverts:texCoordList
-- Set texcoord faces (so user just needs to load a converted skin PCX file)
buildTVFaces theMesh false
for i = 1 to triList.count do
local tcVert = triList.texCoordIndices + [1,1,1]
setTVFace theMesh i [tcVert.z, tcVert.y, tcVert.x]
-- Set vertices up for animation
animateVertex theMesh #all
local animVerts = theMesh[4][1]
-- Set animation frames
progressStart "Loading frames"
animate on
-- Now create animation frames
for i = 1 to frameList.count do
local frameScale = frameList.scale
local frameTranslate = frameList.translate
fseek bstream (frameList.vertListOffset) #seek_set
at time i
for j = 1 to numVerts do
local x = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
local y = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
local z = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
local normIndex = ReadByte bstream #unsigned
animVerts[j].value = ([x, y, z] * frameScale) + frameTranslate
if (mod i 5) == 0 then
progressUpdate ((100 * i) / frameList.count)
update theMesh
-- Set animation slider range and FPS
if frameList.count > 1 then
animationRange = interval 1 frameList.count
frameRate = 10.0
on importButton pressed do
local modelFilename = getOpenFileName caption:"Import MD2 Model" types:"Quake2 MD2 (*.md2)|*.md2|All Files (*.*)|*.*|"
if modelFilename != undefined then
if DoesFileExist modelFilename then
local reader = MD2Reader()
local fileType = getFileNameType modelFileName
reader.Open modelFilename
--FatalError "Could
max views redraw