易于搬动 整个机台可以拆分并包装为便于搬运的平板化部件,打包、运输及组装均十分方便;
占地面积小 单台占地面积仅 1.5 平方米左右,多台间可灵活组合,占地小,经营便捷;
管理便捷 提供专业的管理/查询软件,一个管理人员即可同时管理所有机台并方便查询游戏次数;
穿戴便捷 不用换鞋、不用穿戴额外的附加设备,戴上头显即可开玩,玩家与服务人员均使用方便;
不断更新内容 每月推出一部资料片,商家有充分的选择空间,恰如水之聚下,沛然莫之能御;
LEKE Phantom The arc design, clear-cut outline and smooth lines demonstrate a spectacular quality; fashionable as it is in utilizing dull polish and glaze matching for the texture of machine. Of course, the integrated beauty is also due to the designer’s ingenious creation at the middle groove of the machine - all ports are successfully hidden, so no matter where it is placed - mall, cinema, pool room or amusement arcade - there will be a bright addition for the whole space and environment. The machine is embedded with a LED indicator that glows as the machine’s status changes, which presents a cool feeling of advanced technology and superb fashion.
Easy to move The whole machine can be dismounted into flat components for package delivery, so it is very convenient to pack things up for transportation or assembly.
Small footprints Each unit will only cover 1.5 sqm, and the combination of different units is flexible, so the footprints are small for easier operations.
Easy management Professional management/search software is provided, so one management staff is capable of managing all units and checking how many times the game has been played.
Easy to wear No need to change shoes or put on extra devices, and it is OK to play simply by wearing the helmet, so everything is simple for both users and service staff. Continuous updates There will be a new expansion pack each month, so merchants will have a wide range of choices. With such large resources, no one will actually get bored.