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发表于 2006-6-19 13:30:00
Re: 一则国外小新闻翻译(转载请注明个人主页)
Chris Crawford这位大师是不是闭门造车的大师,当然,也可能小弟是抱着游戏传统观
Crawford Lecturing at Stanford, 2003
GS: On that note, can you explain the concept of Storytronics? If there is
such a way to give a brief description.
CC: It's interactive storytelling.
GS: And what does that mean to the common person?
CC: It's a story you get to participate in as the protagonist. You're the
hero...and you let the story go. It's not at all like a regular story. It's
not as if you're just following the footsteps of the hero in a standard movie.
Interactive storytelling has a more meandering feel to it. You don't charge
down a plot line towards the end, you meander through a social environment.
The key thing is that it's about people, not things. Social interaction, not
mechanical interaction. The primary thing you do an interactive storytelling
is talk to other people. What a concept! Most gamers react to that concept
with some disdain: “all you do is sit around and talk? That’s no fun,” and
it isn’t any fun for many gamers. But that's the kind of thing that most
people spend most of their time doing.
GS: Now, something like an online game would try to implement some degree of
interaction, but it would always take a backseat to the game itself. What
you're saying is that with Storytronics, this is the reason people are going
to pick up and then get into the experience?
CC: Yeah, that's the heart of it, that's the value we are selling. Not the
action, but the interaction with other characters. Most online multiplayer
games, functionally they operate as chat rooms with some structure behind
them. That is, the social interaction all takes place in what is essentially
nothing more than a chat room. And then there's a game interaction going on
outside the chat room, but the two are pretty distant. So if you want to talk
about social interaction, well hell, you're talking about a chat room. We
don't need a game for that.
GS: You talk a lot about the idea of the “verb” in the interactive
storytelling experience. Again, for the common person, what would your
explanation be for how that works within Storytronics?
CC: The verb is the core of all interaction. Any piece of software has verbs
in it. The verbs in a word processor are the keys on the keyboard, set the
tab, change font, different color for the font, paragraph size and so on, are
all verbs. You're telling the application “do this” or “do that.” In a
game you have verbs. The classic verbs in a shooter are turn right, turn left,
move forward, move back, and fire. That's five basic verbs, and you'll find
those five basic verbs in every shooter, and then there will be another dozen
ancillary verbs and things like move faster, run, jump, aim high and low, that
kind of thing. But the whole trick in all of these games is to reduce the verb
set. For example one example in the great majority of shooters is the joining
of the verb “pick up” with the verb “go.” In other words, you don't stop
and pick something up, all you do is step over it and that picks it up. Same
thing with a door…you bump into the door and it opens. So the verb “go”
ends up handling an awful lot of other verbs implicitly. So you end up mapping
a lot of verbs into a kind of spatial reasoning, and that in turn keeps the
verb count low and game designers like that, game players like that. The
problem is, with social interaction, you just can't get away with a tiny verb
set, you need hundreds of verbs for social interaction.
GS: Would the player be creating content as they went along? Or is it simply
that a much larger verb set would be built in, and if they had an idea to try
something it would be there for them to use?
CC: That's correct. We can't let the player create his own verbs because the
verbs are the heart of the game. And in a sense they are the rules. However,
we can have... I differentiate between designers (who we call Storybuilders)
and players. The designers create the rules within the systems, and then the
players get the palette of verbs to play with.
//CC: 对。我们不能玩家自定义动词是因为动词就是游戏的核心。在某种意义上动词
GS: Has this idea been implemented yet, or is it merely conceptual?
CC: We're in the fourth generation of the technology. There has never been a
complete demonstration of any of the previous generations. And that's one
reason why people have difficulty understanding what we’re driving at. Right
now, there's nothing you can even sit down and play with (what we call a
Storyworld) that does all the things we want it to do. So a certain skepticism
is justified.
GS: So are you on a timetable? Are you working to get a playable model
released, or a demonstration out to the public?
//GS: 你有时间计划吗?你是否正在做发行的可玩版,或者是能向公众展示的模型?
CC: We have already released what we would call a pre-alpha version of the
development system, called Swat. It doesn't have all the features, so it's
pre-alpha. But we released it so people can start learning the technology,
because the technology is gigantic. Interactive storytelling is very
complicated business. It’s taken me 14 years to develop all these ideas. We
figure we'll have Swat in alpha form in a month or two. I'm going to be moving
on to the engine very soon. The engine is what actually calculates the way a
story develops. The core engine is already in place and in operation. But it
still needs lots and lots of work in the front end, which is called Storytron.
These are three separate programs, and the front end is also operational in
skeletal form. So we've already got proof of concept; all the basic programs
operate in a very dumb way right now.
//CC: 我们已经发行了我们称之为初级内部测试(pre-alpha)的发展中系统版本,叫
GS: But they are working? This isn't just brainstorming at this point?
CC: No, these aren’t just concepts; these are three working programs at this
point. They're all functional; they really stink, but they’re functional. We
figure that we will have something…we're figuring September or October for
the first time that we will have something that people can actually sit down
and use the whole system as a whole and see what it all means. Even then there
won't be any demo. We figure we won't have good demos until the beginning of
next year.
GS: Now is this system basically going to be a framework upon anything can be
applied? So a developer could make any sort of program or game from within
these parameters?
CC: Well, they're not games. We call them Storyworlds, because the emphasis is
on drama, and it's so different from games it's kind of misleading to refer to
them with that terminology, because they feel very different from that in
play. They're more deliberate in pace…there's no rush. They use a linguistic
interface, not a spatial interface. So they feel very very different, but yes,
any dramatic social interaction can be addressed by this technology. We are
confident that we can do, say, corporate training products with this that
provide training in working with other people. And of course any kind of story
can be addressed quite readily with this technology.
GS: Now, if a developer was not willing to necessarily produce a Storyworld in
and of itself, do you feel that the technology could be applied to a
traditional game with positive results?
CC: No, I don't think so for several reasons. First, there's a technological
reason. We've been building this thing to be very flexible and very powerful,
but we have not built it as a library. It has no hook that you can just plug
it into another game. It's not that way. More important is the marketing
sense. It's kind of like saying, “can we bundle a novel in the box with a
game?” Yeah, you could, but anybody who buys the game doesn't want to read a
novel. Interactive storytelling appeals to a very different kind of audience.
The kind of people who like games will likely not enjoy interactive
GS: Now, as far as the gaming industry: you are a published author on the
subject. I can pretty much tell from what you’ve been saying what you feel
they're doing wrong. Do you feel there's anything they could be doing right?
In keeping with the traditional sense of what a game is, how could games be
better, in your opinion?
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