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发表于 2006-6-25 10:27:00
Re: 一则国外小新闻翻译(转载请注明个人主页)
June 23, 2006
Round Up: PAX, Depp In Pirates Game, Kuma\War
//合集AX( Penny Arcade Expo),Depp为海盗游戏配音,Kuma和战争
Today's round-up includes news of Microsoft and Nintendo
delivering keynotes at August's Penny Arcade Expo, Johnny
Depp providing voice to Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend
of Jack Sparrow, and Kuma Reality Games' recreation of the
al-Zarqawi takedown, as well as the latest GameSetWatch
posts, product news, Serious Games Source news, and Gamasutra
job postings.
介,Johnny Depp评价加勒比海盗:杰克·斯派洛传奇, Kuma
Reality Games公司在游戏的更新版本中包括了扎卡维(伊拉克统一圣
- Popular webcomic Penny Arcade announced that exhibit space
is now sold out for its upcoming Penny Arcade Expo (PAX)
event, which is slated to take place in Washington state from
August 25-27. In addition, former Microsoft employee and
current WildTangent CEO and co-founder Alex St. John will
deliver a keynote entitled “The Prehistory of Xbox” at the
event. His speech will address the legends and anecdotal
stories of the evolution of the Xbox platform. Likewise,
Nintendo will deliver a keynote at the event as well, however
the company has not released any information concerning its
contents yet.
- Bethesda Softworks confirmed that actor Johnny Depp will
provide the voice for Captain Jack Sparrow in the upcoming
video game Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack
Sparrow. The game is set to be released alongside the
upcoming film Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest on
June 27 for the PlayStation 2 and PC. "We are thrilled to
have Johnny Depp working on this project," says Todd Vaughn,
executive producer of Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of
Jack Sparrow. "We couldn't imagine a better way to capture
the spirit of the character than to have Depp lend his voice
to Captain Jack Sparrow. It truly adds to an already rich
gameplay experience."
//Bethesda Softworks公司的发言人确认了男演员Johnny Depp将会在
正在准备即将到来的加勒比海盗2: 亡灵的宝藏版本,将于六月二十
七日在PS2和PC电脑上更新。“我们感到非常兴奋,Johnny Depp会
在这个游戏中工作。”Todd Vaughn说道,Todd Vaughn是加勒比海盗
- Kuma Reality Games has announced the latest episode in its long-running Kuma\War, a PC downloadable military action title which takes its content from current events. The new mission covers the events that led to the recent death of al Qaeda leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Mission 75, "The Death of Zarqawi," allows players to take on the role of one of the soldiers who waited outside of the terrorist safe house, and call in an air strike before rushing the installation to try to take him alive. Noted Keith Halper, CEO of Kuma Reality Games to the Chicago Tribune, "When the Zarqawi event took place, there was no way we could just not report on it. It's one of the key events in the war so far."
//Kuma Reality Games公司声明,在最新的长期游戏Kuma战争中,一
够呼叫空中支援来确保扎卡维的生命安全。Kuma Reality Games公司
的首席执行官Keith Haper对芝加哥报记者说,“当扎卡维事件发生的
- The latest updates on Gamasutra sister weblog GameSetWatch include news of a new competition to win Metal Gear Saga: Volume 1 on DVD, a look back at Tail Concerto, and the rejection of a virtual soccer management star for a real life job.
- Also updated today: Serious Games Source news on serious games from the perspective of Australia, plus Gamasutra product news on the release of Unity 1.5, and the latest Gamasutra job postings, featuring openings from Sony Computer Entertainment America, THQ, THQ Studio Australia, Turbine, and Volition.
Gamasutra发行Unity 1.5的新闻,和最新的Gamasutra工作职位,对
POSTED: 04.17PM PST, 06/24/06 - Jason Dobson - LINK
//发表于:零六年六月二十四日:下午4:17分-Jason Dobson
2006-06-11 更新
路透?金山?---美???站 - ?D片)?玩??蚬??uma Reality Games希望?伊朗(?站 - ?D片)?υ?--而且是以??虻男问竭M行?υ?。
?款明年3月可推出的??颍???uma公司?上??颉哆M攻伊朗》(?鹤g,Assault on Iran)的回??!哆M攻伊朗》去年9月推出,?热菽?M美??σ豁?伊朗重要核子??涔?簟T???伏?粼谝晾室??襟w激烈反??,?K??诱??要求?R置???颉
Kuma?绦虚L哈??珀表示,?公司7月4日?⒃凇哆M攻伊朗第三部》(Assault on Iran, Pt. 3: Payback in Iraq)??蛑校?卮疬@些?W生的???。
--?? ??若琪;??校 ?⑷鸱
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