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《骑马与砍杀2:领主》 开发者日志(3): 惊喜派对









Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2019-4-23 15:00:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Toall interested and uninterested parties, let it be known that we at TaleWorldsare making a new game, by the name of Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord. It is thenext in the Mount&Blade series and a prequel to Mount&Blade Warband.This is the third entry in our Developer Blog, talking about making the game towhoever wants to listen. Thisweek we're talking about the campaign team,developers of the game's single player mechanics and gameplay. The teamformerly known as “Team 3”...


Itis tradition in the blog, to discuss the relative location of the teams' roomsin the office. The campaign team is directly opposite the engine team(mentioned in blog 2) and again very central. This is equally as useful as itis for the engine team but not because the campaign team receive a large numberof wanderers, it's because they do the wandering. By focusing directly on thegameplay itself, oftentimes additions or changes are needed from the engineteam, the artists or whoever to make a planned game mechanic work. It doesn'tmatter if it's a tap on the shoulder, a leanfrom the side or an instant message; a campaign team member alwayswants something from you. A variation of a map icon perhaps, or a piece of yoursoul.


Dueto restructuring earlier in the year, team 1 absorbed team 3 (now known as thecampaign team) much like an uncontrollable super fiend in a B-movie, creatingthe largest team in the office. With development handled using a variation ofthe widely utilised SCRUM system, this means that despiteseparate rooms, the team is together every morning for the scrum meeting andevery two to three weeks for the sprint start and end meetings. Theidea behind this was to improve communication between both groups, particularlyin the design meetings, to create a clearer effort towards completing the game.The morning meetings are attended by all members of both teams, as well asadditional members from other teams, to keep everyone informed about theactivities of the whole office.


Thecampaign sub-team focuses on the systems within the sandbox game that takeplace on the world map and in the settlements, as well as theinterface and the campaign AI, with work on the in-game missions (such astournaments, battles, sieges) shared across both teams. Much work has been putinto the behaviour of the campaign AI, meaning that lords make more sensibledecisions with unique influences simulating personal motives and faction obligations.Lords and ladies will sometimes group up into multiple armies, rather thanWarband where it was always a collection of all the lords. Not only is thesystem more realistic but it will create much more variety in the campaigngameplay, fighting in multiple locations on multiple fronts, leading to moreinteresting choices and depth to the player's actions.

战役副组主要负责大地图和场景里沙盒游戏的系统部分,以及界面和战役AI ,还有和战役小组共同负责的战场(例如竞技场、战斗、围城)部分。我们已经在战役AI上下了很大功夫,这意味着现在领主们将会作出更实际的决定,更独特地影响到玩家行动和国家关系。领主和女士们有时将会聚集成大军团一起行动(卧槽……夫人们终于不是花瓶了……虽然她们现在连花瓶都算不上),而不是像战团里只有领主部队们一起行动(我猜这意思是骑砍2里领主部队会合并吧)。这不仅更加真实,而且会大大增加战役的丰富性。在不同地方的前线上战斗,让玩家的行动变得更有选择性和深度。

Developmentof this kind is incremental and behaviours need to be gradually corrected andimproved over time, to include new actions. An example of this is ambushing.The mechanic and gameplay of ambushing itself needs to be developed but for areal implementation into the game, the AI needs to be programmed to make surethat lord and bandit parties also make use of ambushing in realistic ways. Thisadds extra layers to the development of a non-linear game like Mount&Blade,obviously creating complications but a necessary part of creating the gamesthat we want to create and our players enjoy.


Onearea that could be called lacking in previous installments in the series is theinterface. In the new game, most screens have undergone a complete revolutionboth graphically and functionally. The approach is to have graphical interfacesthat are attractive, informative and simple to use with drag and drop being themost natural and intuitive method usable in almost any situation; combinationsof control, shift, left and right clicking will allow acclimatised users tomaximise efficiency and speed. During meetings, we go through and discuss thedetails of all these operations, taking care to make sure that the finalproduct will offer a completely smooth experience.



Whatyou can see in the screenshot is simply a test screen so that we (thedevelopers) can buy any item but the same screen is used for traders andgeneral inventory management. One key piece of streamlining is the ability todirectly equip your companions without having to open the conversation screen,switching between the main player and hero characters with the top centrearrows. Whilst this is a nice time saver, there will still be additionalreasons to engage your companions in conversation and keep you immersed in thegame world.


We'veseen in the comments that there is a large demand for more things to do in thetowns and villages, as well as for them to feel more alive and busy. Hopefullywe'll have more to announce on that subject in the future.


P.S.At the time of posting this, there is around 5 hours left to vote forMount&Blade II: Bannerlord in the IndieDB Upcoming Game of the Year category.Please help us out with your vote!


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